Nov 29, 2007

How to Double Major Without Spending as Much Extra Cash

Getting a double major may be something you are both capable of and desire. Having two majors gives you a greater chance than those than with one to enter a job area in which both majors are relevant to the career.

But double majoring can be very expensive depending on where you go. Some schools have fees for students who take more than the set number of credit hours. Most common restrictions are no more than 18 or 21 credit hours. This means you can only take 6 to 7 courses unless you want to pay fees for every credit that goes over. You're probably thinking this is ridiculous, I do too. You're probably thinking there isn't any way around this except to pay extra or stay a few extra years. Well, time and money are two things I don't give up easily and you shouldn't either. So here's how you can get two majors without spending much extra money.

First, consider summer school at a community college that will transfer. Many colleges will let students go to community colleges for summer and have the courses they will be taking pre-setup for transferring. The cost of community college should be far below that of a regular college's fees in going above credit hours and in going to that same school for summer school.

Why does this help you if you want to double major? Because if you can earn 5-6 credits at a community college over the summer you do not need to go above the minimum in order to earn two majors. You can even complete the requirements in one early then go on to the next. This could even help in terms of your success as you will be able to switch focus after the requirements of one is met or being met while you are studying another.

Basically, this will help you spend as little cash as you need to.

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