Nov 11, 2007

How to Get to Know Your Professor Fast

One of the easiest ways to get to know your professor is to take notice of his or her interests that he/she may express during a lecture that could be related to whatever courses he/she is teaching. After class, before class, or even during class, let them know you're interested in whatever they're talking about. Make sure you're questions are relative to the course and try to come up with deep questions about the topics.

A professor will often reward a student for his/her interests with good favor. The main reason to get to know your professor is that when it comes time to find those 5 references which is a minimum on some resumes you can have the backing of a professor who really likes and remembers how he enjoyed your input.

Remember references may be called. It may also be required your reference submit a letter on your behalf to the institution you are applying to. It helps to have someone who remembers you and the good qualities you have.

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