Nov 29, 2007

How to Pay for College When You Can't

A lot of people don't go to college because they believe they do not have the money for college. If you know you are capable student-wise but believe you are not capable money-wise then consider these things.

1) School part time.
2) Community college
3) Online school/degree
4) If you can live in a lesser state that you are currently in. (to cut costs to cover college)
5) Can family help?
6) What assets do you have that can pay for college? (Are you willing to give them up for an education?)

If you're unsure of whether you should take the leap in going to college and sacrificing the money to pay for it then consider this.

1) Is it worth the money to be making more money later.
2) Is it worth it to be better off with a degree then without one.
3) Would I get a better job?
4) Would I get a job I actually liked? A career?

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