Nov 29, 2007

How to Win Scholarships Fast and Easy Method

First, most scholarships require some sort of community service reference. Most high schools require students to engage in a minimum amount of hours in community service. So don't be turned off to scholarships which requires a student to be active in his/her community because if you think hard enough there is something you have done to help out your community. Ask yourself if you've ever been in any charities, fund raisers etc. These count.

Second, most scholarships require essays. This is why most people never do scholarships. There is a very small percentage of people who do scholarships which require essays. If you do enough of these scholarship essays then eventually by process of elimination you have a great chance of receiving the scholarship or a 2nd, 3rd place scholarship.

Third, you'll need to know how to write these scholarships. Have a copy of what the essay of the scholarship is supposed to answer. More often or not they are looking for essays that offer the most substance, quality over quantity. But do meet page requirements if there are any. Think about the topic and answer insightfully. Use correct organization of a paper. Intro w/ Thesis followed by bodies and conclusions. Searching online is an easy method of finding correct structure of an essay and to help get you thinking about the topic.

Fourth, something to keep in mind is that some scholarship essays and/or requirements are very general and you may be able to modify your past scholarship essays etc to match another's requirements. This is the most fast and easy method to win scholarships.

Fifth, grants are one of the best ways to get money. I suggest you sign up with several sites. (Take a look at them and see if you can find out if they are worthwhile.) Try to find out what grants are available and what is required.

How else can I win scholarships?

If you are in your junior, senior year of high school it is not too late to participate in athletics. If you already participate then do not stop, scholarships in athletics are very valuable and full rides are offered to top players in all sports.

Achievements in high school. Your state may award based on SAT/ACT score and/or high school GPA.

Enrollment in various clubs may offer scholarships.

Basically, if you are applied in both high school and extra-curricular activities involved with education then you should be qualified for scholarships.

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