Nov 11, 2007

What Not to Do in College

Do not fall into one group of friends. Meet new people and make new friends, don't get stuck with the first people you meet and not branch out.

Don't lose your mind on how you failed a test. Put your mind to use and do the extra credit and study time for the next test to bring that D up to a C.

Don't fret on social problems. Remember you can just pick up and meet some new people.

Don't argue with your professors in a non-academic way.

Don't loan money out to people you just met. And if you did, consider that loan a gift.

Don't let your parents know everything and don't not tell them anything.

Don't skip class, you won't know what happened, especially if you haven't made friends in that class.

Don't rely on yourself to learn the material, go to class.

Don't not study.

Don't let people convince you on what to do.

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