Nov 13, 2007

How to Make Vital Connections in College

Start off by making connections with your professors. They will help you when it comes time to submit resumes with contacts who cannot be related to you. Contacts basically vouch for what type of person you are and why you should be employed.

Work with your career service center within your college. Aside from helping prepare you for a job interview and writing your resume, they can also help you find employers. Employers often go to schools and ask the school to help with their search for employees, meaning they are wanting to hire from the college's graduates. These opportunities are often the most secure in locking in the job.

Internships is one of the biggest ways to make connections. You are building experience in what you want to do later in life and you are also meeting the people who do it. I suggest you do as many internships as you can. One a semester, every semester (might be a little much). But think about it, you will meet someone that you click with and could help as a reference in getting a job, possibly even underneath that person.

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